Monday, November 29, 2010
Not My Fault
I tried to protest my innocence. Manager asked me to get the proof. I tried hard and eventually I found it, then how? It was still considered as my mistake. This is the real working world, aint it?
I know my reasons were not firm enough... I kept saying "I don't know...", " I thought...", " I heard from senior...", " I follow the instruction..." All these reasons seemed like excuses. Ya, my senior asked me to do in that way but the manager won't blame her. He just will blame the one who do the mistake, not the one showing the way to do the mistake. I simply can't take it!
The cruelty of the workplace. When boss said you're wrong. You're wrong 'cause boss is always the right one. When boss said you have other choices besides following his instruction. You're actually no choice 'cause the only choice is don't work under your boss anymore.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Monday, November 22, 2010
Too Careless!
I wonder what would happen tomorrow? Could the KL team assists me without blaming? Would Thailand team treat it as nothing? What explanation could I give if being escalated??
Seniors could do nothing to save this situation but I'm grateful that they didn't blame on me. They tried to console me not to be worry and don't fail to fall in sleep tonight.
This is not the first time I made such huge mistake. Last time didn't get scolded by seniors and this time, either. However I felt extremely guilty for this latest mistake. It could be prevented and it could be solved without being carried forward. The situation suppose won't be too bad... But I let mistake bred mistake. My irresponsibility made it became worse.
Stupidity might be acceptable but negligence will never be forgivable. Take this lesson and never repeat! Every mistake just made it once, ENOUGH. I might not a smart girl and the level of intelligence is out of my control. But at least there's one thing I can do, which is stop being careless.
Saturday, November 20, 2010
A Trial
Am feeling guilty but I still made it. Waste time (not only mine), waste energy and waste money... And if the real purpose of my decision is being disclosed, woah, I couldn't imagine how terrible is the outcome.
Don't know what to wish myself. Good luck. For what? Whatever the results is, there's only 1 conclusion which I've already made.
I know I did wrong. What am doing just to satisfy my caprice.
Whatsoever. Just take it as a trial, just treat it as an experience, once in a lifetime.
"Grab a chance and you won't be sorry for a might-have-been."
Shhh... Can't let those I drag in trouble to reveal my intention. :-P
Friday, November 12, 2010
Reading Is For Pleasure, Not Pressure
Few months ago, I bought 3 books -
Today I went to BORDERS and planned to buy 2 books - "I Think, Therefore I Laugh" and "Death Benefits
Finally I bought a Chinese book from Popular "幸福就像狗尾巴 The Tales Of Bliss". Will those 55 different stories sharing in the book inspire me? Actually I always understood the principle of the reality but I just failed to carry out practically.
I believe am able to finish reading this new book within this weekend. The next book I gonna complete is.......
Thursday, November 11, 2010
握着手上的资料,无言以对。若回答一句“I can make it”是如此心虚;若回答一句“I can't make it”,是如此沉重。又再想起那一句“人生几何,好不容易遇上这样的年代,赶快来为自己做一些事情,”做一些事情?能做些什么事情?机会遇上了,不怕吃苦,却怕牵连旁人一起吃苦。
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Tiresome Saturday
This morning before gone to the office, my mind was sunny. After sitting in front of the computer looking at the reports... Dizzy+dizzy+dizzy! Almost collapse in the restroom.
I wondered was it 'cause I lack of sleep? During weekdays I couldn't sleep tight and nearly skipped lunch everyday... My weight has been decreased. Good news huh? Yup, it's the only good news for me right now but when I looked at my face... Become pale day after day. First time, feel a bit heartache about myself.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Monday, August 9, 2010
Friday, July 16, 2010
Youth Park,一个留有我成长足迹的地方。
Sunday, June 27, 2010
已经十多年了,可是好几部的港剧名称我还记得住,甚至当中的故事情节,依然历历在目,至于当中的角色,印象最深刻的就是罗嘉良在《天地男儿》中饰演的徐家立,我当时实在很讨厌他的角色,甚至还说如果他真人出现,不晓得会有多少人拿臭鸡蛋丢向他 :-P
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Lost x 3
What do I want? What am I suppose to choose?
There's a chance, the only matter is do I afford to grab this chance?
Should I choose the one I've more confidence to deal with or choose the one which seems better?
It may seems better but it's still lousy if I can't play my role well.
I've to make a decision but after suffering insomnia, after discussing with few friends, I still don't know what to choose.
I'M SO LOST.......................................
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
The Greatest Love
The title of the article was 趁一切还来得及,告诉妈妈,你爱她, the writer mentioned a paragraph of 诗人余光中 《母难日》之《今生今世》.
It was so meaningful.
The writer also mentioned the mother dead in the accident with her 9-month old unborn baby few days ago. The doctor took out the baby girl and let her to sleep beside her mother forever.
The writer wrote a very impressing article which end with a sentence as below
I would like to praise this writer named 甄子权. I don't know him, I just know that his writing made me moved.
Monday, May 3, 2010
An Ending Is A Beginning
When I walked out from exam hall, I didn't feel as relieved as I thought.
I was exhausted.
I stopped doing revision last night 'cause I know it's no point to go on.
However, I couldn't fall in sleep whole night. That's why I was so tired after the second exam paper.
I entered kindergarten when I was 6, I'm 23 this year. 18 years of education, how much have I learned? My education journey comes to an end temporarily. It's time to confront a bigger challenge -- to compete in the work field.
What kinda career I want? What is my dream actually?
My future is gonna begin soon. I must take a step forward, otherwise, my future is gone.
Friday, April 30, 2010
The Last Exam
I decided to give up 1 of them and chose to revise International Finance but it really could cost my life.
It's extremely hard!
I've a bit regret that I wasted last 2 weeks doing nothing but I guess the outcome would still be the same though I begin my revision 2 weeks ago.
My brain can't function ~ I tried to understand what I read but I was getting confused while I read more, I tried to memorize what I read but I forgot that while I got into new page...
It's my last exam paper after struggling 3 years in university and it seems very hard to manage.
I'm exhausted. I just wish these 2 papers over as soon as possible.
I shall be fine once I don't see the results... But, how about my job hunting?
There's another thing I've to worry about after my exams.
If I were given a chance, do I really afford to hold the chance?
God Bless Me!
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Over Protection = Harm
Loving the children in excess will just make them become dependent on their parents and don't know the ways of the world.
Every child will grow up, they might become weak and fragile.
They might be easily defeated by frustration, depression or disappointment.
They might not afford to endure any trial or refusal...
Dear all daddies and mummies, if you're impossible to take care of your children for their lifetime, you've to train them to be independent when they're young.
The world is cruel, those on the outside will not love or care your children as you do. If you really wanna protect your children, you've to let them contact with the community and make them understand the methods to survive in this crude world.
Otherwise, you may regret when you find out that your over-protection harms your lovely children, you make them can't accommodate themselves to the society. That'll be too late to help your children then.
Monday, April 19, 2010
Lost My Way
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Dear Girls
Actually, I wasn't really being under stress in last 2 weeks.
If not, I won't keep playing online games. ^^
The first thing I did after the exam was online searching for a song which I didn't know the title or singer.
I heard this song on the radio while I was driving yesterday.
That was the second time I listened to it and it made me feel so depressed.
Girls, always remember that we shouldn't lose ourselves in the process of finding love.
We have to love and accept ourselves before we learn to love somebody, 'cause without that, nothing else matters.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
A Warm Text Message
Such a forward text message about friendship maybe meant nothing to me ordinarily, but today it's seemed different.
There're many things happened to me recently and yet I've a lot of tasks to complete. I'm so fatigued. This text message is a timely support.
My heart is warm in this cold late afternoon.
Thank you, Summer!
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
她的故事之3月3 日
如果我有勇气坦白 不会这样的感慨
你的爱我是如此依赖 我的心你却不明白
虽然你是一个男人 总该有个未来 告诉世界有你存在
但我只是一个女人 需要一点关怀 安安定定在身边的爱
就算有再多的无奈 你也是看不出来
有人说寂寞是最难捱 你可曾为我而悲哀
其实身为一个女人 可以不必忍耐 等人来陪等人来爱
但我遇上你这男人 就像陷入大海 提也不起放也放不开
日子一天一天醒来 我一天一天徘徊 面对这份感情的债
当你一次一次走开 一次一次回来 好怕也会留下点伤害
日子一天一天醒来 我一天一天徘徊 面对这份感情的债
或许没有该与不该 无关爱与不爱 痛过的人自然会明白
没你的日子里 我的心该放哪里 一起走到这里 不能再一起
还以为拥挤的人群 可以调走我想你的心 任何一个背影 都让我以为是你
关于你的消息 我还是那么留意 任由它一点一滴 占据我思绪
然而我对你的情意 难道他们没有提起 想亲口说明 却怕他还在你心里
想你是我一生最亮的星 为何陪我到天明
天亮之后却又让我 找也找不到你
想我是你窗外孤单的雨 是否还记得叮咛
我不在时 你会不会 好好照顾自己
没你的日子里 朋友们还有相聚 关于你的消息 我还有留意
我总是有意无意 说起对你的情意 如果你想关心 他们会向你提起
关起满室不足的氧气 点着烟蒂回味你的呼吸
搜索脑里未完的龃龉 对着空气还击着你的问题
推辞每次真实的相聚 困着自己渴望着你的消息
沾沾自喜拒绝的魅力 不着痕迹享受着与你的距离
也许喜欢怀念你 多于看见你 我也许喜欢想象你 多于得到你
我关起满室不足的氧气 点着烟蒂回味你的呼吸
散落一地断续的谜语 对着空气还击着你的问题
推辞每次真实的相聚 困着自己 渴望着你的消息
翻来覆去甜蜜的话语 故作神秘延续着你的好奇
也许喜欢怀念你 多于看见你 我也许喜欢想象你 不需要抱着你
也许喜欢怀念你 多于看见你
我也许喜欢想象你 受不了真一起
最后我们分开了 虽然还是朋友 但做回朋友的情人 想摆脱关系不太容易
寂寞变成了习惯 习惯靠着孤单
想念该遗忘 不该在身旁 陪着我的每个夜晚
我只想对着天空轻轻的呼吸 寻找我最爱的人到底在哪里
在慌乱中 搬箱倒柜 寻找记忆 有一种爱它曾经住在我心里
陪伴我熬过多少个无声哭泣 不懂爱情 我的心如此无力
其实我很清醒 其实我很冷静 看着眼泪滴落在手心
多少个秋多少个冬 我几乎快要被治愈好
但还是会只因为一个重复的话题就 无心自扰
也曾想过若真遇见 我们应该如何是好
我想我还是会站在某一个街角 不让你看到
只因为我不想打扰 只因为怕你解释不了
只因为现在你的眼睛里 她比我还重要
我只好假装我看不到 看不到你和她在对街拥抱
你的快乐我可以感受得到 这样的见面方式对谁都好
我只好假装我听不到 听不到别人口中的她好不好
再不想问 也不想被通知到 反正你的世界我管不了
若不想问 若不想被通知到 就把祝福留在街角
没那么简单 就能找到聊得来的伴 尤其是在看过了那么多的背叛
总是不安 只好强悍 谁谋杀了我的浪漫
没那么简单 就能去爱 别的全不看 变得实际 也许好也许坏各一半
不爱孤单 一久也习惯 不用担心谁 也不用被谁管
感觉快乐 就忙东忙西 感觉累了 就放空自己
别人说的话 随便听一听 自己作决定
不想拥有太多情绪 一杯红酒配电影
在周末晚上 关上了手机 舒服窝在沙发里
相爱没有那么容易 每个人有他的脾气
过了爱作梦的年纪 轰轰烈烈不如平静
幸福没有那么容易 才会特别让人着迷
什么都不懂得年纪 曾经是最掏心 所以最开心
曾经想念最伤心 但却最动心的记忆
Sunday, February 28, 2010
It's Time To Work Hard!
No motivation, no revision, no study, no assignment... I'm just day-dreaming all the time.
"Please, don't be a lazybones anymore, time is running out!"
Chinese New Year will be over after 12a.m. tonight, I give no excuse for my laziness.
I've to get ready for my upcoming midterm exam and to complete my projects which I've done nothing so far.
However, I've to do a few things before drown myself in those scary school works.
First of all, I've to tidy up my bedroom. Then, I've to change my mattress cover and pillow case. After that, I've to do revision for badminton theory test tomorrow.
Tomorrow is March 1st, a brand new month, a brand new day, a brand new life.
Friday, February 26, 2010
Inspiration From A Quote
People love to complain about everything, people never satisfy with what they owned, people used to ask for more... This is so called human nature.
Actually, we don't have to admire other people, we should appreciate what we've got. We should be grateful if we were born healthy, this was already the most precious gift given to us by God.
Those people who are born with a silver spoon in their mouths are lucky but what's wrong if we're not born in a rich family?
Maybe I ain't as super lucky as someone else, i.e. I've never won in any lucky draw contest so far but it doesn't mean that I won't win it in the near future.
In my opinion, we should not compare ourselves to other people and keep complaining about lives. On the contrary, we should pleased with what we owned and using them to breed our future success.
It's OK that we' re born in poor, we could achieve our success through hard work. I believe everyone's effort is bound to be successful. Every dog has its day!
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Happy Birthday, Babe
I'm not sure will this blog still be using when you are grown up and learn to surf internet. That time I must be old already :(( ...
If you view my blog in the future, you have to leave a comment for this post. This is an order from your 姨姨, understand?! ^ ^
Baby, I know it's too cruel for asking you to accept the heartbreaking truth at such a young age. However, you must always remember there are a lot of people loving you in this world. We care about you, we love you so much, we really do.
You are a well-behaved child though sometimes you are very talkative. I hope that you could be one of the happiest children in the world. You deserve a lovely childhood as every child does.
Happy Birthday, my lovely little nephew.
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